Aug 16, 20233 min read
When Others Go Back to the Dark Side
There’s a lot written and said about ensuring your own sobriety is protected and safe, and so many ways and tools to ensure that. But...
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Jan 3, 20224 min read
Why the actual f*ck am I thinking about drinking again?
I’ve just hit day 600. I’m 19 months into my sobriety, which I’m incredibly proud of. I’ve just floated through my second sober Christmas...
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Dec 15, 20214 min read
The piss artist formerly known as J
So after around 15 months of sobriety, I started going to AA. This was a new turn of events, brought about by the fact that...
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Nov 16, 20212 min read
I'm a Fucking Alcoholic!!!
This one's short and sweet (not even any pretty pictures), but marks a pretty big turning point in my recovery. So a lot has happened...
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Jun 23, 20216 min read
"Have a F*cking Drink!" - How to Respond in Sobriety
So pretty much ever since I stopped, I’ve been asked about why I don’t drink. This comes up a lot – in a country where we are constantly...
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May 12, 20218 min read
One Whole Year of Sober
This was the sight that greeted me this morning - I wanted to wake to see the sunrise on the anniversary of being sober for a year. It...
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Apr 20, 20216 min read
New Beginnings
I've been thinking a lot about new beginnings lately, especially since my soberversary is on the horizon. New beginnings come in so many...
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