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My women, you rock: International Women's Day 2021

As I got myself up this morning, I thought about the date and what it means to me, of all the amazing women I am privileged to be blessed with. (I texted a few of them, the ones that make me warm and fuzzy inside, telling them how much I love them). They are the constant ones, who sit at the very core of my life, enduring all I endure along with me. My wonderfully strong mother, my amazing sisters. My close friends, old and new, who are always there for me, day or night without question. Some I may not see for a year, but the bond remains, the friendship reconnecting instantly and with ease regardless of the miles and time between us. All of these women have been with me through tears, heartache, sadness; supporting and buoying me up, taking me in their arms and carrying me when I can no long get myself through. They are my life support, literally. They are also the first ones I share all the joy with; cradling each others newborns with amazed delight, sharing in all of our collective happinesses, successes, celebrating all facets of our lives. Of course, there is also my incredible daughter, who is blossoming into her own fierce, wonderful wildness, and who I am eminently proud of. Her role is to provide me with unadulterated joy, whilst also filling me with deep resounding respect for my mother; serving to remind of how incredibly patient she was when I myself was growing up.

Then there are the layers of other incredible women I'm lucky enough to know through pure happenstance, who also nourish my soul in different ways; the group of ladies that I met through an online forum when we were all expecting babies in Feb ‘06 – fifteen years later, we are all sharing the stories of our lives, interwoven into each other’s ups and downs, the fact that some of us have never met matters little. The group of women who I sea swim with, a happy accident of right place right time really, but utter serendipity nontheless; none of whom I really knew six months ago, but now I wouldn’t be without in my life. They bring a special kind of joy in a love of a shared experience, not just sharing the sea, but also our everyday lives, and cake. The friends I have made on social media in the sober community, who support me in my sobriety, providing endless encouragement and humour throughout. The female authors who have written such heartfelt and inspiring words; feminist writers, storytellers, poets; those women who share their stories of overcoming adversity, blazing a trail so others can see a path too. The songwriters whose music raises the hairs on the back of my neck. These women shout their stories from the rooftops so we can hear and see that sometimes it’s not OK, but that, in itself, is OK.

All of these women have their own stories, somehow woven with mine. Most of them have been through really really tough times; abusive relationships, sexual assault, living with or suffering from addiction. All of them without exception, are so incredibly strong, not only because of, but in spite of their adversity; they are each and every one of them utterly inspiring in their brutal refusal to lay down and give up. And when one of us looks like we might admit defeat into the darkness, a myriad of gentle hands reach out to hold ours, stroke our hair, tell us it’s ok and then lift us gently back up again into the light. Because that's what we do for each other. We lift each other up, soothe and celebrate.

My ones, you are my inspiration, my light; today I celebrate you all x

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